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The PhD Program Commission BmEL/MeF is responsible for the development of the PhD regulations (Doktoratsordnung), program of studies, curriculum in biomedical ethics as well as for the overall establishment and function of the program. It also serves as the admission committee to the program setting the criteria for admission and performing the evaluation of the applications. The commission also reviews applications for financial support when resources are available.
The PhD Program Commission BmEL/MeF consists of the following members:
Additional members may be added to the committee depending on their area of expertise. The composition of the PhD Program Commission BmEL/MeF is confirmed by the Medical Faculty.
Settimio Monteverde, PhD, MME, MAE, lic.theol., RN
PD Dr. med. Dr. sc. med. Jürg C. Streuli
Student representative to the PhD commission: