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PhD Program "Biomedical Ethics and Law" Law Track

Introduction to the Medical and Health Care Law

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3 ECTS-Credits in the pool "Law and Medicine"

see schedule of lectures

The course begins by defining the notions of health care, medical and biomedical law. This is followed by an overview of the sources of national health care law. In this regard, special attention is given to federal powers and fundamental rights in the context of medicine and health care matters. The relevant sources of international health care law, in particular international treaties and soft law, are then explored. Two sessions are dedicated to the regulation of drugs and transplant medicine. The course will be conducted by alternating theoretical inputs with case studies and short presentations by the participants.


Unit Date Time Room
Lecture 1 03.10.2024 09:00 - 17:00 HAH-E-6
Lecture 2 04.10.2024 09:00 - 17:00 SOF-E-05

with PD Dr. J. Mausbach

Literature: You'll find the literature in the document folder on OLAT.

Proof of record: Presentation (10 - 15 min) and attendance during the lecture.


  1. “Triage” of patients in intensive care units from a human rights perspective
  2. Prenatal genetic testing according to the new Federal Act on Human Genetic Testing
  3. Preemplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): new regulation in Swiss law
  4. The jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on assisted suicide
  5. Off label use of medicinal products in Swiss law
  6. Pricing of very expensive drugs in Swiss mandatory health insurance
  7. Criteria for the allocation of donated organs in Swiss law
  8. Switch from the opt-in to an opt-out model of organ donation in Swiss law
  9. Legal handling of data in human research

Students are expected to make a PPT presentation, which will be given to all participants after the presentation.

The presentation should last no more than 15 minutes. It should be followed by a discussion. For this purpose, it is useful to prepare a few questions.

The expectation is not to cover the topics in a broad and exhaustive manner. It is sufficient to give a brief overview and to deal with a few aspects in more depth.


The evaluation serves to improve the lecture and to tailor it to your requirement. The evaluation has a new structure. It is now possible to give a feedback on every single lecturer. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Please find the evaluation here.