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PhD Program "Biomedical Ethics and Law" Law Track

Course in Genomic Medicine

Das Modul findet im Herbstsemester 2024 nicht statt. Über eine allfällige Durchführung im Herbstsemester 2025 werden wir euch zu gegebener Zeit informieren.

Allgemeine Informationen

Genomic technologies are not only changing the way biomedical research is performed, but they also have an increasing impact on medical diagnostics and treatment. However, using genomic data in a clinical setting is challenging. It requires an interdisciplinary approach, including knowledge of the measurement technologies, of computational and statistical methods for analyzing the data they produce, and of clinical procedures to translate the results into improved healthcare.

This 1-week PhD block course on "Genomic Medicine" has been designed to help preparing the next generation of clinical and biomedical researchers for this transformation. It addresses clinical as well as basic biomedical and computational scientists. The goal of the course is to provide a broad overview of Genomic Medicine and to prepare participants to contribute to Genomic Medicine in interdisciplinary teams.

Prerequisites: tba

Date & Location: tba

Performance Assessment: During the week students will work in small groups on selected Genomic Medicine research papers. They will solve tasks, present and discuss their results on the last day in front of the plenum.