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3 ECTS-Credits in the pool "Ethics"
This course presents the development of the field of biomedical ethics analyzing the historical and social changes that have played the most significant role in shaping the field. It focuses on the methodological approaches that have emerged in addressing ethical dilemmas in biomedicine in particular, principlism, rights-based approach, casuistry, virtue ethics etc. The goal of this course is to equip students with the different methodological approaches of argumentation and how they can be applied in the debate of bioethical issues.
Proof of record: Attendance and written preparation to sessions as well as group work
Enrolment: Please register via the modul booking tool of the UZH.
The lectures are always held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. by Prof. Baumann and Prof. Biller-Andorno on the dates listed below: