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PhD Program "Biomedical Ethics and Law" Law Track

Reproductive Medicine, Law and Ethics

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In recent decades, advancements in reproductive medecine have given rise to significant legal and ethical dilemmas. Legal frameworks governing this area have often lagged behind the rapid pace of scientific progress and societal changes. This has led to legal gaps – often filled in by individual autonomy and practices – or to the imposition of ineffective legal prohibitions – often circumvented by crossing national borders in pursuit of (more) permissive legal regulations. This highlights that the law is just one of the multiple sources of normativity influencing the regulation of reproduction, and further reflections on the ethical dimensions of reproductive technologies and practices are needed, especially within the legal domain.  

In light of this context, this course adopts a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary apporach to critically examine some of the most pressing issues at the intersection of reproduction, law and ethics. These include topics such as uterus transplantation, ectogestation, trans* procreation, and gene editing.

Throughout the course, students will have the unique opportunity to interact with a diverse array of guest lecturers, coming from various academic disciplines and legal systems. These experts will share their profound knowledge and insights in the domains of law, reproduction and ethics, enriching the learning experience for all participants.

More informations:

- Lecturer(s): Alice Margaria, Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess

- Teaching Language: English

- Room details: VVZ

More information is to follow.


The lecture Law, Reproduction and Ethics: Fundamental Debates will take place in March 2025. It will be held in English and is intended for MA as well as PhD law students.

For the purpose of creating an open and interactive space, this lecture will take place in person.

Course Dates and Times


27 March 2025 (Thursday) 8:00 – 13:00
28 March 2025 (Friday) 8:00 – 13:00
3 April 2025 (Thursday) 8:00 – 13:00
4 April 2025 (Friday)

8:00 – 13:00

10 April 2025 (Thursday) 8:00 – 13:00
11 April 2025 (Friday) 8:00 – 13:00




The final grade will be determined by:

  • Attendance and active participation in class: 1/3
  • Essay: 2/3
    Topic of your choice (to be discussed in advance) – submission deadline: 30 May 2025